Scientific and Production Enterprise «TOKAR» | “TOKAR” LLC

years on the market





The quality of our products corresponds to the best world analogues, and surpasses them in some indicators!

The combination of our own laboratory, constant scientific research and modern industrial production allows us to develop and quickly implement innovative solutions. This is the basis of our success and allows us to maintain the leading position in the production of additives for the production of waterproof, high-strength and durable concrete for many years.

innovative multifunctional

Allows to obtain waterproof and sulfate-resistant concrete, which can be used for a long time (at least 50 years) in water-saturated soils or directly in water without the use of any additional waterproofing, including in sea water and other aggressive environments.

Increases the strength of concrete by at least 30% in comparison with non-additive concrete, or allows to reduce cement consumption by 15-20% without reducing the standard strength and durability of concrete.

The use of D-5

Since 2006, D-5 has been manufactured commercially
and is widely used in construction.

Industrial and civil engineering
  • foundations and underground parts of buildings and structures;
  • piles of all types;
  • columns, beams, trusses, stairs and other structures;
  • monolithic and prefabricated slabs, including pre-stressed slabs;
  • multistory buildings;
  • chimneys;
  • power transmission towers;
  • elevators;
  • television towers;
  • screeds, including screeds for heated floors;
  • plaster works, including gunite works and works in rooms with increased humidity and fungus;
  • cut-off waterproofing.
Road construction
  • concrete and reinforced concrete structures and road construction elements, including pre-stressed ones;
  • bridges;
  • trestles;
  • tunnels, including for metro stations;
  • columns and poles;
  • ties;
  • runways of airfields.
Hydraulic construction
  • dams, daily run-off ponds;
  • derivation tunnels, water conduits, spillways and other hydraulic structures;
  • sea and river ports, piers;
  • fortification of banks and embankments;
  • pressure and non-pressure pipes;
  • swimming pools, fish breeding pools;
  • drinking water and water treatment tanks, fire tanks;
  • tanks for storage of oil, oil products and oil waste;
  • treatment facilities.
Well drilling, mine and construction
  • production of grouting mortars;
  • cementation of space behind concrete in tunnels and mines;
  • stowing mixes for excavations.
Dry building mixes
  • waterproofing compounds;
  • screeds, including screeds for heated floors;
  • plaster compositions, including facade compositions;
  • adhesive compounds;
  • cement mixtures for various purposes.
Production of small-size concrete products
  • hyperpressed brick;
  • paving slabs;
  • street furniture;
  • polystyrene concrete;
  • claydite concrete;
  • not autoclaved gas concrete.

Beware of fakes

Recently, attempts to counterfeit our products have become more frequent! We ask you to be vigilant and not fall for the tricks of scammers offering counterfeit products of low quality.
We officially declare that only we are the developers and the only manufacturers of the D-5 additive.



“TOKAR” LLC is the developer and exclusive producer in Russia of a highly efficient multi-functional chemical admixture polyfunctional to concrete, solutions, dry construction mixtures and cement.

The company has its own testing laboratory and pays  serious attention to the quality of products. TOKAR LLC has implemented ISO-9001-2015 quality management system. There is a strict control of the quality of the raw materials, control over compliance with the production technology, and the quality of the final products.

Why D-5?

  • D-5 additive is developed on the basis of environmentally friendly natural mineral components and modified superplasticizers (all Russian raw materials are of high quality).
  • Strict quality control of raw materials, monitoring of compliance with production technology and quality control of the final product are carried out.
  • Each batch of products is checked and allowed for sale only after the conclusion of the testing laboratory.
  • At the enterprise, the most serious attention is paid to product quality. It has its own testing laboratory. We have implemented a quality management system ISO-9001-2015.

Certificates of LLC "TOKAR"

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